| Crime & Trauma Scene Remediation
Crime & Trauma Scene Cleanup is a general umbrella term used when discussing the cleaning of blood or other human remains or anything that can be bio hazardous in dealing with. Dr. Michael Berry of the EPA has stated, that “There are two reasons to clean anything. One is appearance, the other is health.” In the case of Crime Scene Cleanup, Rapid Response will address both. Rapid Response can help you restore your property. We specialize in crime and trauma scene cleanup. Our team is certified and receives on-going training to stay up-to-date on the latest techniques and information. We work to discretely and professionally remove any reminders of the crime that took place on your property. Using only the highest quality equipment and sanitizers, we address any environmental issues that are present as a result of the crime. Contaminants such as toxic chemicals, biological residue, and potentially lethal pathogens may be present. If not properly cleaned, disinfected, and sanitized, these could spread diseases.

| Vandalism

| Tear Gas & Bear Spray
Did a crime occur in your home, facility, or place of business? Was tear gas or bear spray used on the crime scene?
As you know, tear gas & bear spray is noxious. It can irritate skin, eyes, open wounds, and airways. Some of the immediate signs of exposure to tear gas & bear spray are irritation to the eyes such as: burning, tearing, and redness. This can also occur to the nose that can cause a runny nose, burning, and swelling, to the mouth such as burning that, can lead to difficulty swallowing and drooling, to the lungs which can cause chest tightness, coughing, choking, and wheezing. It can cause rashes and burns on the skin. Other immediate symptoms would be nausea and vomiting.
Tear gas & bear spray will leave behind a residue that can continue to irritate until it is properly cleaned. Long-term exposure can lead to health effects such as eye scarring, glaucoma, and cataracts along with potential breathing problems such as asthma. Rapid Response can properly clean it for you. Our team is trained and respirator certified. We can come to the scene and begin the process to remove the remaining residue and check the extended area for contamination.
When disposing of bio-hazardous, drug contaminated, or medical waste, we create manifests to keep track of this waste to ensure that it is disposed of properly. We guarantee that all bio hazardous waste will not end up in a landfill or transfer station.